ICU and semi-intensive bed

ARIA combines Malvestio technologies into a flexible bed, suitable for both intensive and semi-intensive therapy.


More time for what matters most

Sistema Incentro
Drive system
Weighing system
Rotational System
Sistema Incentro

Offsets the patient push towards the foot-end of the bed

With the SISTEMA INCENTRO, the combined backrest-pelvis transfer cancels horizontal thrusts, prevents slipping and keeps the torso at an inclination of 30°.
The correct positioning of the patient reduces the risk of decubitus due to "rubbing" between skin and the surface of the mattress.
A non-slipping patient reduces fatigue and the risk of injury, and frees up staff to focus on activities of greatest value to patients.

Drive system

More manageable to transport the patient effortlessly and safety

Thanks to the DRIVESYSTEM ascent support and descent assisted braking system, ramps with inclines of up to 10% can be navigated easily and safely. With the user-friendly Traction Control Switch you can control both the forward/backward movement and the walking speed. The system is equipped with an anti-crushing sensor that ensures the operator's safety during backwards maneuvers.

Weighing system

The exclusive WEIGHING SYSTEM was designed to guarantee a high level of precision

Thanks to the 4 sensors located at the corners of the bed, the load is better distributed and the reading level more accurate. It is possible to record patient weight data and to view the corresponding graphics on the touch screen, with the measurements available both in kg and in Lb. While the weight of the patient is monitored it is possible to set up different types of alert: exceeded threshold weight alert, 'bed exit' alert, 'restless patient' alert.

Rotational System

Moving the patient to bed, especially if he cannot cooperate, is always a delicate time for hospital staff

Tilting the lying surface makes the activity easier even for an individual operator. With Vivo, you can activate the Lateral Tilt from any side: from the touch console, from the push-button panel on the sides or from the pedals. The lateral tilt allows to adjust the mattress platform at an angle of +/- 15° with intermediate steps of +/-5°, promoting breathing and oxygenation in the patient, contributing at the same time to preventing respiratory complications. From the touch screen console it is possible to program a personalized rotational system, by setting up the number of cycles, intervals and angles.

Sistema Incentro
Rotational System
Lateral Tilt
Motorized 5th wheel
Functional features

Radiographic patient testing directly in bed

With a large radiotransparent area, ARIA range beds are equipped for taking X-rays without having to remove the patient.
The radiotransparent plastic laminate backrest features a cassette for X-ray plates that allows X-ray examinations to be carried out on a bedridden patient.
The X-Ray cassette can also be removed with the backrest in a horizontal position, thus avoiding disturbing the patient at the end of the examination. 

Sistema Incentro

Offsets the patient push towards the foot-end of the bed 

Intensive care patients need to be frequently repositioned by the nursing staff as their body tends to slip towards the foot-end of the bed, with subsequent skin friction. 

Rotational System

Programmed rotation for patient health

The lateral tilting function can also be programmed from the touch screens to activate automatically, through the “rotational system” function. 
The automatic inclination allows, without engaging healthcare workers in strenuous activities, for preventing complications deriving from a prolonged stay in the same position such as pressure ulcers and intrapulmonary fluid formation. 

Lateral Tilt

For easier patient care and less fatigue for operators

The lateral tilt of the mattress platform makes medical staff activities more ergonomic as the patient can be placed on one side with the minimum effort. 
This way, nursing staff can operate on the patient, preventing injuries and reducing fatigue at work.
The activation and extent of the lateral tilting can be controlled via the touch screen console, the side push button panel on the side rails and the pedal panel on both sides. 

Motorized 5th wheel

Safe maneuvers

Thanks to the Drive System ascent support and descent assisted braking system, ramps with inclines of up to 10% can be navigated easily and safely. 
The practicality and safety of manoeuvring ARIA range beds are guaranteed also by the compact design of the structure, which has been studied to optimise the overall dimensions of the bed. 

Functional features
Patient weight storage

From the touch screen it is possible to save the patient’s weight data for later reference. 

Restless patient alert

The corner weighing sensors are able to detect different levels of patient movement, alerting the operator if the patient becomes restless.

Predictive exit alert

By detecting the patient’s movements, it is possible to receive an alert when the patient is about to leave the bed unattended.

Patient exit alert

The weight monitoring system can be programmed to alert if the patient leaves the bed.

Always at ease even under pressure
Sistema Incentro
Rotational System
Weighing System
Drive System
Tilting angle
Integrated controls
X-ray cassette
Trendelenburg / Reverse-Trendelenburg
Backrest inclination
Easily sanitizable
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